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    Revision as of 18:57, 24 August 2021 by Hail12Pink (talk | contribs) (Created page with "local module = {} local Parts = mw.text.jsonDecode([[{"SpawnPoint":{"Malleability":"Malleability: Cannot be reshaped","Description":"Acts as a spawn location for the player w...")
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    GetPartInfo can be invoked using


    Replace "FIELD" with the wanted field, like:


    Additionally, you may add a second parameter to specify which part's information you want to retrieve, if this is not provided it will guess that the wanted part has the same name as the page's title. Usually, this will only need to be used if the page requests information about a part that the page isn't named after. An example of this is:



    A list of all fields retrievable in this module can be found here:

    • Recipe
    • Raw recipe
    • Malleability
    • Description

    Use-case Examples:

    These are some examples of the module being used in which all of them specify information of the "HyperDrive" part to be retrieved:

    In-game Description

    " A device used to travel at faster than light speeds to other regions of the universe. Simply input the coordinates to your destination and have the sufficient amounts of fuel, and you'll be on your way to your destination. To initiate warping, power the hyperdrive and trigger it. When warping, the hyperdrive will be anchored to prevent any movement. The power required for warping will be dependent on the distance travelled, as well as the size of the object being transported. The amount of power required will be displayed in the hyper drive, shown in the red text. All of the parts connected to the hyperdrive and every player sitting will be teleported, however any free floating parts or standing up players will be sucked into the vaccum of space, so be careful. The red text at the bottom of the hyperdrive indicates how much power is needed to perform the jump. Make sure the numbers on the hyperdrive is facing up to ensure correct stud alignment. "


    Wire x50

    IonRocket x3

    Iron x100

    Raw recipe

    Sulfur x15

    Copper x110

    Iron x310


    Fixed size

    local module = {}
    local Parts = mw.text.jsonDecode([[{"SpawnPoint":{"Malleability":"Malleability: Cannot be reshaped","Description":"Acts as a spawn location for the player who locked it.","Recipe":{"Iron":"2"}},"Electromagnet":{"Malleability":"Has Malleability of 1*5*5","Resource":"Consumes 14 Power per second","Description":"A powerful magnet.","Recipe":{"Iron":"10","Copper":"20","Wire":"100"}},"FactionSpawn":{"Malleability":"Malleability: Cannot be reshaped","Description":"Acts as a spawn location for the faction of the player who locked it.","Recipe":{"SpawnPoint":"10","Diamond":"5"}},"Igniter":{"Malleability":"Has Malleability of 2*2*2","Description":"Sets alight parts within the immediate vicinity when triggered.","Recipe":{"Iron":"10","Plastic":"5","Wire":"2"}},"RepairKit":{"Malleability":"Malleability: Cannot be reshaped","Description":"A useful kit of tools that can be used to repair objects which have been damaged. Keep away from biters. ","Recipe":{"Iron":"5"}},"Boombox":{"Resource":"Consumes 1 Power per second","Description":"Must be powered in order to play music. When clicked, it will toggle playing music and will play the song id you give it.","Malleability":"Malleability: Cannot be reshaped","Configurables":{"Audio":""},"Recipe":{"Wire":"5","Gear":"6","Cloth":"4","Pipe":"3","Motor":"4","Iron":"4","Copper":"2","Glass":"2","Quartz":"1"}},"SolarPanel":{"Generates":"SolarPanel generates around 0    end      local RayCheck = Ray.new(Object.Position, Vector3.new(0, 200, 0))    local FindHit = workspace:FindPartOnRayWithIgnoreList(RayCheck, Services.CollectionService:GetTagged('Translucent'))    if FindHit then self.GeneratorAmount = 0 end   end Power","Malleability":"Has Malleability of 1000","Description":"Generates electricity using solar energy from a local star.  The closer it is to a star, the more energy it generates.  The type of star also affects its energy generation, as well as the size of the solar panel.   If the solar panel is blocked by a part, it will not generate any energy. Glass however will work.  ","Recipe":{"Iron":"4","Silicon":"7","Quartz":"40","Wire":"10"}},"HyperDrive":{"Resource":"Consumes Resource of Type: Trigger","Description":" A device used to travel at faster than light speeds to other regions of the universe.  Simply input the coordinates to your destination and have the sufficient amounts of fuel, and you'll be on your way to your destination. To initiate warping, power the hyperdrive and trigger it. When warping, the hyperdrive will be anchored to prevent any movement.  The power required for warping will be dependent on the distance travelled, as well as the size of the object being transported. The amount of power required will be displayed in the hyper drive, shown in the red text.   All of the parts connected to the hyperdrive and every player sitting will be teleported, however any free floating parts or standing up players will be sucked into the vaccum of space, so be careful.  The red text at the bottom of the hyperdrive indicates how much power is needed to perform the jump.  Make sure the numbers on the hyperdrive is facing up to ensure correct stud alignment.  ","Malleability":"Malleability: Cannot be reshaped","Configurables":{"Coordinates":""},"Recipe":{"Iron":"100","IonRocket":"3","Wire":"50"}},"RoundTemplate2":{"Malleability":"Malleability: Cannot be reshaped","Description":"A block rounded inwards on one edge. ","Recipe":{"Stone":"1"}},"Balloon":{"Malleability":"Has Malleability of 50*50*10","Description":"Levitates parts attached to it to a certain configurable height. However, it is easily poppable. Does not work in space, or no-atmosphere planets.","Configurables":{"Buoyancy":""},"Recipe":{"Iron":"1","Cloth":"3","Rubber":"2"}},"CrossBow":{"Malleability":"Malleability: Cannot be reshaped","Description":"A cheap primitive ranged weapon.","Recipe":{"Stick":"2","Cloth":"1"}},"Hologram":{"Resource":"Consumes 7 Power per second","Description":"Using our brand new Multi-Dimensional Holographic Projection Technology™ you are able to create a stationary clone with only the ID of the user provided!.","Malleability":"Malleability: Cannot be reshaped","Configurables":{"UserId":""},"Recipe":{"Iron":"15","Diamond":"5","Quartz":"25"}},"Reactor":{"Malleability":"Malleability: Cannot be reshaped","Description":"Generates steam using water and heat from radiation. Up to 4 pieces of uranium can be inserted into the reactor as fuel. If the temperature is above 400, it will begin to turn water into steam (rate dependent on temperature). If the temperature exceeds 1200 F, a meltdown will occur. The Reactor fuel status can be acquired through the Reactor:GetFuel() method with a microcontroller. Polysilicon is used to control a reactor, and fuel must be ejected manually: Mode 0 will lower the control rods. Mode 1 will raise the control rods (allowing fuel to be used). Mode 2 will eject fuel or waste from the fuel rod with the least fuel.","Generates":"Reactor generates around 0 Steam","Resource":"Consumes Resource of Type: Trigger","Programmable":{"GetFuel":"()"},"Recipe":{"Rubber":"30","Wire":"15","Iron":"50","Pipe":"25","Quartz":"10"}},"PowerCell":{"Malleability":"Has Malleability of 10*10*10","Description":" Stores electricity, and is used to power many devices using wires or by directly attaching it. Has a limit of 125000.   ","Recipe":{"Iron":"1","Sulfur":"1","Wire":"1"}},"SteamEngine":{"Malleability":"Malleability: Cannot be reshaped","Description":"It acts similar to a motor, but is powered by Steam instead of electricity. ","HeatPowerProduct":"Produces 5 heat when powered","Resource":"Consumes 0.1 Steam per second","Configurables":{"EngineSpeed":""},"Recipe":{"Pipe":"4","Iron":"4"}},"Telescope":{"Description":" A device that allows you to look at celestial objects and regions of space from a far away distance. Simply click the device and an interface will pop up on your screen allowing you to see the image. To view a specific coordinate, configure the telescope and set to the desired coordinates.  Can only see within 100 universe units, any farther will result in a blurry image.  Information such as resources on the planet, temperature, distance from its local sun, and planet type will be displayed as well.  Must be powered in order to view object's information. Has a 1 minute delay between viewing different systems.  ","Configurables":{"ViewCoordinates":""},"Malleability":"Malleability: Cannot be reshaped","Resource":"Consumes 2 Power per second","Programmable":{"GetCoordinate":"(x1, y1, x2, y2)"},"Recipe":{"Iron":"10","Glass":"5","Wire":"15"}},"Gyro":{"Description":" Stabilizes vehicles and structures by pointing upwards. Useful for mechs or orientating structures to the correct rotation. The gyro can also be configured to seek objects and players.  When powered, the gyro will follow its seek commands that can be configured using hammer. The gyro has commands that allow it to find and seek objects and players.  An example of gyro's seek configuration includes 'Player1 Player2' which will seek and aim towards the nearest player.  Putting 'Radar' at the beginning of the seek configuration will make it target parts instead. For example, 'Radar Gold Copper' will find the nearest Gold or Copper deposit.  Putting 'AllExcept' will make the seeker target everything except the given list, basically inverting it. For example, 'AllExcept Player1 Player2' will target 'Player3' or 'Player'4 but not 'Player1'.  The commands 'Min' and 'Max' set the minimum or maximum distance the seeker will target. For example, 'Min20 Max500' will make the seeker only target objects within 500 studs and more than 20 studs away.  TriggerWhenSeeked will trigger all connected parts every second when the Seek configurable is satisfied  'TrigMin' and 'TrigMax' work the same as 'Min' and 'Max' but it's for the trigger signal, trigger signal will only be sent if the above property is true.  Putting 'Sun' as part of the list will make the seeker automatically target the main stellar body in the system.  Gyros also have a property called MaxTorque. This allows you to control the max force on the gyro to stabilize it.  ","Configurables":{"MaxTorque":"","DisableWhenUnpowered":"","Seek":"","TriggerWhenSeeked":""},"Malleability":"Malleability: Cannot be reshaped","Resource":"Consumes 2 Power per second","Programmable":{"PointAt":"(PointPos)"},"Recipe":{"Iron":"8","Wire":"4"}},"GravityGenerator":{"Resource":"Consumes 1 Power per second","Description":"Generates an artificial gravity field when powered on. The gravity field only affects players, not individual parts. The amount of gravity can also be configureed, but the more gravity the higher amount of power needed. Only works in space, not inside planets.","Malleability":"Malleability: Cannot be reshaped","Configurables":{"Gravity":""},"Recipe":{"Wire":"150","Engine":"30","Pipe":"20","Quartz":"40"}},"Boiler":{"Description":"Turns water to steam when fueled with 2 water and 1 coal. ","Malleability":"Malleability: Cannot be reshaped","Recipe":{"Iron":"10","Pipe":"25","Heater":"5","Wire":"5"},"HeatPowerProduct":"Produces 80 heat when powered"},"Controller":{"Malleability":"Has Malleability of 13*13","Resource":"Consumes Resource of Type: Trigger","Description":"Acts as a wire when active/green, but when black or inactive it acts as a normal object. Must use a polysilicon to switch for trigger events. ","Recipe":{"TriggerWire":"4","Iron":"2"}},"DoorTemplate":{"Resource":"Consumes Resource of Type: Trigger","Description":"When triggered, it will open, and if triggered again will close. ","Malleability":"Has Malleability of 15*20*2","Configurables":{"DoorSwitch":""},"Recipe":{"Stone":"1"}},"DeleteSwitch":{"Malleability":"Has Malleability of 12*12","Resource":"Consumes Resource of Type: Trigger","Description":"An object that deletes itself when triggered.","Recipe":{"Copper":"1","Silicon":"1"}},"Microphone":{"Malleability":"Has Malleability of 3*3*3","Description":"Used in programming. Takes user's inputs.","Recipe":{"Copper":"2","Silicon":"2"}},"Decoupler":{"Malleability":"Has Malleability of 8*2*8","Resource":"Consumes Resource of Type: Trigger","Description":"When triggered, it breaks welds and falls off of anything attached. Can be used to separate things.","Recipe":{"Iron":"12"}},"ZapWire":{"Malleability":"Has Malleability of 200","Resource":"Consumes 1 Power per second","Description":"Allows electrical objects to interact with each other when connected by wires. If a flammable object is touched, it will be lit on fire.","Recipe":{"TriggerWire":"1","TouchSensor":"1","Flint":"1","Wire":"1","PowerCell":"1"}},"VehicleSeat":{"Malleability":"Has Malleability of 3*3","Description":" Allows players to control vehicles by rotating when sat on. It is incredibly important to have when creating vehicles.  The vehicleseat has 2 modes. Mode 0 allows it to only rotate horizontally. Mode 1 allows it to rotate both horizontally and vertically. Mode 2 points the vehicle seat towards the player's mouse when holding click.  Attaching buttons to the vehicleseat will allow the player sitting on it to trigger the button by pressing a key. Simply attach the button to the vehicle seat, configure it to the keybind you would like, and it will allow you to trigger that button by pressing the key when sitting down in the seat.  ","Configurables":{"Enabled":"","Mode":"","Speed":""},"Recipe":{"Rubber":"2","Wood":"3"}},"TouchSensor":{"Malleability":"Has Malleability of 15*5","Resource":"Consumes Resource of Type: Trigger","Description":"Sends trigger signals upon contact with another player or another object.","Recipe":{"TriggerWire":"2","Button":"1"}},"BallTemplate":{"Malleability":"Malleability: Cannot be reshaped","Description":"A ball shaped template object. ","Recipe":{"Stone":"1"}},"EnergyShield":{"Description":" Creates a bubble made of energy that protects it from energy based weapons such as Lasers and Plasma Cannons.  An EnergyShield has a few sets of properties that you can fine tune to create a balanced shield. ShieldRadius - The size of the entire shield. This will exponentially consume more power the higher the radius is.  RegenerationSpeed - On a scale from 1 to 10 on how fast the shield will regenerate. ShieldStrength - Scale from 1 to 10 on how much the shield can endure.  RegenerationSpeed and ShieldStrength both combined can't be over 11. For example, a regeneration speed of 6 and a shield strength of 5 is possible. However, a regeneration speed of 10 and a shield strength of 10 isn't, as 10 + 10 > 11 A regeneration speed of 1 and a shield strength of 10 however is possible, since 11 = 11.  Another benefit for energy shields is that it blocks all warhead explosions, whether inside the shield or outside.  ","Configurables":{"ShieldStrength":"","RegenerationSpeed":"","ShieldRadius":""},"Malleability":"Malleability: Cannot be reshaped","Resource":"Consumes 25 Power per second","Programmable":{"GetShieldHealth":"()"},"Recipe":{"Iron":"200","Silicon":"90","Aluminum":"50","Quartz":"75"}},"Treads":{"Malleability":"Has Malleability of 2*2*20","Resource":"Consumes 2 Power per second","Description":"When touching in contact with a solid surface, it will move forward. Must be connected to an engine or motor similar to a drivebox to function. ","Recipe":{"Rubber":"2","Engine":"2","Gear":"16"}},"Goo":{"Malleability":"Has Malleability of 8*8","Description":"A sticky substance that can stick together to objects when touched.","Recipe":{"Sand":"5","Grass":"5"}},"Asphalt":{"Malleability":"Has Malleability of 200*1*40","Description":"A modern material useful for smooth road surfaces. Its durability triples when anchored.","Recipe":{"Water":"1","Stone":"10"}},"RTG":{"Generates":"RTG generates around 15 Power","Malleability":"Malleability: Cannot be reshaped","Recipe":{"Wire":"2","ExoticMatter":"15","Aluminum":"3"}},"Cement":{"Malleability":"Has Malleability of 200*1*40","Description":"A modern material useful for pavement.","Recipe":{"Sand":"2","Stone":"2"}},"Plutonium":{"Malleability":"Has Malleability of 3","Description":"A highly radioactive compound used in manufacturing nuclear explosives.","Recipe":{"NuclearWaste":"2"}},"Katana":{"Malleability":"Malleability: Cannot be reshaped","Description":"A weeaboo sword used to cut down your enemies. ","Recipe":{"Iron":"3","Stick":"1","Rubber":"1"}},"Transporter":{"Malleability":"Malleability: Cannot be reshaped","Description":" Acts as an antenna but for bins and objects containing materials such as liquids and solids.  Useful for creating large factory bases with many extractors without using long chutes.  ","Configurables":{"TransporterID":""},"Recipe":{"Antenna":"2","Chute":"15","Quartz":"25"}},"Anchor":{"Malleability":"Has Malleability of 4*4*4","Resource":"Consumes Resource of Type: Trigger","Description":"When triggered or clicked, it is able to be anchored, a state in which it is immovable by physics, and applies to parts connected to it. ","Recipe":{"Iron":"18"}},"Artillery":{"Malleability":"Has Malleability of 3*25*3","Resource":"Consumes Resource of Type: Trigger","Description":" Fires a fast-moving metal shell upon being triggered. This metal shell generates a small explosion upon impact. Costs 10 iron per shot.  ","Recipe":{"Iron":"24","Sulfur":"8","Flint":"8","Rubber":"5"}},"SMG":{"Malleability":"Malleability: Cannot be reshaped","Description":"A fast firing, fully automatic gun able to pump out lots of rounds down range. ","Recipe":{"Explosive":"3","Iron":"140","Rubber":"90"}},"CrudeWing":{"Malleability":"Has Malleability of 8*1*8","Description":"Creates lift from being pushed forward. A worse version of a Wing. Does not work in space or in non atmospheric planets. ","Recipe":{"Stick":"3","Cloth":"2"}},"Rotor":{"Malleability":"Malleability: Cannot be reshaped","Description":"Provides vertical height when spun, and only works in oxygen planets. The spin speed determines the height, and the tilt of the rotor determines the forward propulsion of the rotor. ","Recipe":{"Iron":"12","Copper":"16"}},"Button":{"Resource":"Consumes Resource of Type: Trigger","Description":"Sends trigger signals when clicked by a player. When connected to a seat and the input key is configured/configureed, the player sitting in the seat can activate the button by pressing the corresponding key. TriggerMode 0: Trigger on key down TriggerMode 1: Trigger on key up TriggerMode 2: Trigger on key down and key up","Malleability":"Has Malleability of 15*5","Configurables":{"KeyInput":"","TriggerMode":""},"Recipe":{"Copper":"1","Stone":"1"}},"PlasmaCannon":{"Malleability":"Malleability: Cannot be reshaped","Resource":"Consumes Resource of Type: Trigger","Description":" Fires an orb of unstable plasma out of the barrel exploding on impact. Needs to be fueled with 500 power and 50 helium or 1 plasma to fire.  ","Recipe":{"Explosive":"50","Silicon":"90","Iron":"200","Uranium":"5","Aluminum":"30"}},"Cleat":{"Malleability":"Has Malleability of 10*15","Description":"A textile resource similar to Rubber, except it has a high amount of friction and low bounciness. It can be used in physical machines such as the feet of mechs, etc.","Recipe":{"Cloth":"2","Rubber":"5"}},"Apparel":{"Malleability":"Malleability: Cannot be reshaped","Description":" A piece of clothing that can be worn by other players. Parts can also be attached to the apparel, meaning you can create your own suits with the apprel. It is similar to the prosthetic, except it can be taken off and does not cause damage. However, electricity does not trasmit throughout the apparel unlike prosthetics.  Apparel can also holds less parts than the prosthetic. It can only hold 25 parts, while Prosthetics can hold 50.  Apparel has another configuration to it called Transparency, which dictates how transparent it will become when worn. Ranges from 0-1 from non-transparent to transparent.  ","Configurables":{"Transparency":"","Limb":""},"Recipe":{"Rubber":"5","Cloth":"10"}},"WedgeTemplate":{"Malleability":"Malleability: Cannot be reshaped","Description":"A triangular shaped template object. ","Recipe":{"Stone":"1"}},"Fireworks":{"Malleability":"Has Malleability of 8","Resource":"Consumes Resource of Type: Trigger","Description":"Causes an explosion when triggered. You can use a delay wire to make it explode after a few seconds and not immediately.","Recipe":{"Cloth":"10","Sulfur":"20"}},"Sail":{"Malleability":"Has Malleability of 611","Description":"Utilizes the wind to move forward. ","Recipe":{"Stick":"1","Cloth":"1"}},"AirSupply":{"Malleability":"Has Malleability of 2*4*3","Resource":"Consumes 2 Power per second","Description":"Generates a 300 stud radius oxygen bubble when powered on. Very important part for space ships, as it acts as the oxygen supply for the ship.  ","Recipe":{"Container":"2","Motor":"4","Pipe":"20"}},"Rifle":{"Malleability":"Malleability: Cannot be reshaped","Description":"A powerful long-range bolt action weapon. Q to scope. ","Recipe":{"Explosive":"5","Iron":"100","Wood":"50"}},"Transformer":{"Resource":"Consumes 5 Power per second","Description":"Sends continuous trigger signals every second when powered.","Malleability":"Has Malleability of 4*4*4","Configurables":{"LoopTime":""},"Recipe":{"Iron":"1","Copper":"5","Quartz":"3"}},"Extractor":{"Malleability":"Malleability: Cannot be reshaped","Description":"Extracts and harvests materials from connected terrain such as mountains and ore deposits.  For example, to extract coal you attach it to the coal deposit, and configure the extractor to extract Coal.  The extractor must be powered in order to work. Will not work if there's another powered extractor 50 studs away. If connected to a bin, it will supply that bin with the given material it is tasked to extract. Two powered extractors cannot be on the same ore deposit, or else they both will not function.  Two powered extractors also can't be near eachother.  If the materials can't be added to a bin, they will spawn in front of the hole on the front of the extractor. However, if the extractor is blocked by an object, it will not spew out any materials.    When tasked to extract wood, it will extract any trees near it.","HeatPowerProduct":"Produces 30 heat when powered","Resource":"Consumes 5 Power per second","Configurables":{"MaterialToExtract":""},"Recipe":{"Iron":"4"}},"Warhead":{"Malleability":"Malleability: Cannot be reshaped","Resource":"Consumes Resource of Type: Trigger","Description":"Causes a powerful explosion when triggered. You can use a delay wire to make it explode after a few seconds and not immediately. The only down-side of the warhead is that it is blocked completely by energy shields.","Recipe":{"TriggerWire":"1","PlutoniumCore":"1","Uranium":"800","BlastingCap":"6","Explosive":"15","Primer":"70","EnergyBomb":"3","Iron":"100","Reactor":"75"}},"Tire":{"Malleability":"Has Malleability of 10*10*2","Description":"A cylindrical shaped object used commonly in vehicles such as cars.","Recipe":{"Iron":"1","Rubber":"2"}},"Brick":{"Malleability":"Has Malleability of 20*5*20","Description":"A cheap material made from baked clay useful for building houses. Its durability doubles when anchored on a planet.","Recipe":{"Sand":"1","Stone":"1","Water":"1"}},"Keyboard":{"Description":"Similar to a button, except is programmable to take more than one key input. Can be attached to a vehicle seat or clicked by a player.","Malleability":"Has Malleability of 15*5","Resource":"Consumes Resource of Type: Trigger","Programmable":{"SimulateKeyPress":"(Key, Player)","SimulateTextInput":"(Input, Player)"},"Recipe":{"Quartz":"4","Silicon":"5","Button":"10"}},"Flashlight":{"Recipe":{"Iron":"2","Light":"1"},"Description":"A flashlight which can be used to provide light."},"Prosthetic":{"Malleability":"Malleability: Cannot be reshaped","Description":" An artificial part that can be attached to players in exchange for a limb. The limb configuration can be configureed to be the limb you want to have for a prosthetic, for example configuring it to be 'Right Leg' will have the prosthetic attach itself to your character. Simply touch the prosthetic, and it will automatically be attached to your body.  Parts can be attached to the prosthetic, allowing many uses for the prosthetic limb.  Prosthetic limbs are also electrically conductable, acting as a wire.  Heavily damages the character once attached. Prosthetics can't have more than 50 parts attached to them.   ","Configurables":{"Limb":""},"Recipe":{"Iron":"25","Quartz":"25","Rubber":"25","Wire":"25"}},"StarMap":{"Description":" Shows your current location in the universe and other nearby stars and celestial bodies. Has 2 modes, universe and solar. Universe mode shows your location in the universe, and solar mode shows your location in the solar system if you are in one. Requires power in order to function.    It also has unique icons for every celestial body type. Clicking on a Icon will set a single connected HyperDrive to those coordinates.  When triggered with polysilicon, polysilicon 0 will set it to univesre mode, polysilicon 1 will set it to solar system mode, and polysilicon 2 will switch it.  ","Malleability":"Has Malleability of 25*20*25","Resource":"Consumes 3 Power per second","Programmable":{"GetBodies":"()","GetSystems":"()"},"Recipe":{"Radar":"2","Wire":"20","Quartz":"25"}},"Chute":{"Malleability":"Has Malleability of 200","Resource":"Consumes Resource of Type: Solid","Description":"Is able to transfer solid parts between objects such as bins and extractors. **Contrary to popular belief, chutes can transfer more than one type of object.** **This means you can mix assemblers and extractors into the same system, no need for different chutes for each object. You can just make one long chute and connect your factory to it.** ","Recipe":{"Iron":"1"}},"CornerRoundTemplate":{"Malleability":"Malleability: Cannot be reshaped","Description":"A rounded corner shaped template object. ","Recipe":{"Stone":"1"}},"Aerogel":{"Malleability":"Has Malleability of 10*2*10","Description":"An incredibly light material that is very fragile.","Recipe":{"Water":"1","Silicon":"2"}},"Missile":{"Resource":"Consumes Resource of Type: Trigger","Description":" Creates propulsion when triggered.  It also temporarily generates power when triggered, powering objects attached to it such as a light or transformer.  ","Malleability":"Has Malleability of 20","Configurables":{"Propulsion":""},"Recipe":{"Iron":"4","Sulfur":"20","TriggerWire":"1"}},"Freezer":{"Malleability":"Malleability: Cannot be reshaped","Resource":"Consumes 5 Power per second","Description":"Turns attached water bins into ice when powered. ","Recipe":{"Iron":"10","Cooler":"2","Wire":"5"}},"ImpulseCannon":{"Malleability":"Has Malleability of 10*2*2","Resource":"Consumes Resource of Type: Trigger","Description":"Blasts a harmless burst of energy which sends anything nearby soaring at a high velocity.","Recipe":{"Iron":"20","Rubber":"20","Gear":"5"}},"Cloth":{"Malleability":"Has Malleability of 15*15","Description":"A soft thin fabric that can soak up liquids.","Recipe":{"Grass":"2"}},"Heater":{"Malleability":"Has Malleability of 16","Description":"Generated heat when powered by electricity. Glows red hot while functioning. Can be used as insulation in cold environments.","HeatPowerProduct":"Produces 10 heat when powered","Resource":"Consumes 1 Power per second","Recipe":{"Wire":"2"}},"LightTube":{"Malleability":"Has Malleability of 4*4*4","Resource":"Consumes 1 Power per second","Description":"Emits light when powered with electricity. Can be colored in different ways, changing the light color","Recipe":{"Glass":"2","Wire":"2"}},"Plastic":{"Malleability":"Has Malleability of 40*40*40","Description":"A cheap material made from petroleum and Coal through polymerisation inside assemblers.","Recipe":{"Coal":"1","Petroleum":"1"}},"Sign":{"Malleability":"Has Malleability of 40*20","Description":"Displays text or images. To display an image, configure it to id:imageid ","Configurables":{"SignText":"","TextColor":"","Font":""},"Recipe":{"Iron":"1","Cloth":"1"}},"WirelessButton":{"Malleability":"Has Malleability of 15*5","Resource":"Consumes Resource of Type: Trigger","Description":"Similar to a button, but can be clicked from infinite distances and cannot be used for keybinds. ","Recipe":{"Quartz":"12","Button":"1"}},"IonRocket":{"Resource":"Consumes 25 Power per second","HeatPowerProduct":"Produces 40 heat when powered","Description":"An IonRocket allows space flight. When powered, it will propel force dependent on the Propulsion setting, which you can configure with the hammer tool.    The arrow indicates the direction the ionrocket will propel to when powered.   ","HeatLimit":"Temperature Limit from -30 up to 160","Malleability":"Malleability: Cannot be reshaped","Configurables":{"Propulsion":""},"Recipe":{"PowerCell":"5","Engine":"10","Pipe":"25","Wire":"15"}},"Speaker":{"Description":"Plays audio of length up to 5 seconds, unless it is powered in which case it can play a full audio. When clicked or triggered, it will toggle playing music and will play the song id you give it.","Configurables":{"Pitch":"","Audio":""},"Malleability":"Has Malleability of 16","Resource":"Consumes 1 Power per second","Programmable":{"PlaySound":"(ID)","newindex":"(tab, ind, val)","ClearSounds":"()","Chat":"(Message)"},"Recipe":{"Iron":"4","Motor":"2","Wire":"3","Cloth":"4"}},"TintedGlass":{"Malleability":"Has Malleability of 25*25","Description":"A material similar to Glass, but is tinted black on the front.. ","Recipe":{"Glass":"1","Flint":"2"}},"Container":{"Malleability":"Has Malleability of 10*10*10","Description":"Stores liquids and gases. When a liquid or gas touches the Container, the container will automatically store it. ","Recipe":{"Iron":"2","Rubber":"1"}},"RemoteControl":{"Malleability":"Has Malleability of 6","Description":"Similar to an antenna, but sends trigger signals forward wirelessly when triggered. ","Configurables":{"RemoteControlRange":""},"Recipe":{"Antenna":"1","TriggerWire":"1"}},"Marble":{"Malleability":"Has Malleability of 15*15*15","Description":"A compact and durable material. Primarily used as a building material for decorations.","Recipe":{"Quartz":"1","Stone":"2"}},"Propeller":{"Malleability":"Malleability: Cannot be reshaped","Description":"Propellers propel forward when spun. Forward direction indicated by white spot. Does not work in space or non atmospheric planets. ","Recipe":{"Iron":"3","Copper":"4"}},"Rubber":{"Malleability":"Has Malleability of 10*15","Description":"A textile resource used in manufacturing many industrial objects.","Recipe":{"Grass":"1","Stone":"1"}},"MustardGas":{"Malleability":"Malleability: Cannot be reshaped","Description":"A heavy chemical warfare weapon used to damage organisms. Gas Masks nullify the effects of this gas.","Recipe":{"Sulfur":"3"}},"FireWood":{"Malleability":"Has Malleability of 5*2*2","Description":"A version of wood that is able to burn longer, allowing it to be an efficient fire burning device.","Recipe":{"Wood":"2"}},"Battery":{"Malleability":"Malleability: Cannot be reshaped","Description":" A light part that contains 400 energy and is prefilled. Can be refilled.  ","Recipe":{"Wire":"1","Sulfur":"1"}},"Hydroponic":{"Resource":"Consumes 5 Power per second","Description":"Grows grass and wood from water, turning attached water bins into either wood, sticks or grass. Incredibly useful for space bases or bases in areas devoid of life.","Malleability":"Malleability: Cannot be reshaped","Configurables":{"Grow":""},"Recipe":{"Container":"2","Iron":"20","Cooler":"2","Wire":"10"}},"ChemicalSynthiser":{"Malleability":"Malleability: Cannot be reshaped","Resource":"Consumes 5 Power per second","Description":"Synthesizes and mixes chemical compounds. Consumes matter out of attached bins in order to fuel the material synthesis.  1 Nitrogen + 3 Hydrogen = 2 Ammonia 1 Ammonia + 1 Ethanol = Diethylamine 2 Hydrogen + 2 Oxygen = Hydrogen Peroxide 2 Hydrogen + 1 Oxygen = Water 1 Sodium + 1 Chlorine = Salt 2 Oxygen + 1 Carbon = Carbon Dioxide 2 Nitrogen + 1 Oxygen = Laughing gas/N2O 3 Chlorine + 1 Ethanol + 1 Water = Chloral Hydrate 1 Potassium + 1 Water = Explosion 1 Potassium Ingested = Explosion 1 Sodium + 1 Oxygen + 1 Hydrogen = 1 Lye 2 Oil + 1 Lye = Napalm 1 Diethylamine + 1 Ammonia + 1 Lithium + 1 Phosphorus = Hallucinogenic Compound 1 Salt + 1 Lithium + 1 Silicon + 1 Hydrogen = Hallucinogenic Toxin 1 Ammonia + 1 Oil + 1 Oxygen = Cyanide 1 Chlorine + 1 Ammonia = Mustard gas 1 Lithium + 1 Mercury = Toxin 1 Fluorine + 1 Hydrogen + 1 Potassium + 1 Sulphuric Acid = Fluorosulfuric Acid 1 Fluorosulfuric Acid + 1 Hydrogen Peroxide + 1 Nitrogen = Nitric Acid  ","Recipe":null},"RegionCloaker":{"Malleability":"Malleability: Cannot be reshaped","Resource":"Consumes 25 Power per second","Description":"Hides a certain region from players, making the coordinates not appear on their screen.","Recipe":{"PowerCell":"100","Iron":"250","Ruby":"500"}},"LightBridge":{"Malleability":"Has Malleability of 10 * 2 * 10","Resource":"Consumes 50 Power per second","Description":"Fires a beam of solid light that can be walked on. ","Recipe":{"Diamond":"15","Jade":"15","Quartz":"15","Ruby":"15","Aluminum":"30"}},"Filter":{"Malleability":"Has Malleability of 2*8*2","Description":"Similar to a chute and a pipe, but only lets certain materials pass through.","Configurables":{"Filter":""},"Recipe":{"Rubber":"1","Chute":"1"}},"TemperatureSensor":{"Malleability":"Has Malleability of 8*8*1","Description":" When the surrounding temperature goes out of a certain range, it will send trigger signals similar to a button.  For example, if the current temperature is 160 and the temperature range is '40:140', then the sensor will send a signal.   This is very useful for creating smart cooling systems for a vehicle or reactor, preventing overheating from occuring.  If you want the temperature sensor to trigger within a certain range, simply reverse the range and have the greatest number first and least second. For example, '140:40' would trigger when the temperature is within that range.  Connecting the TemperatureSensor to a reactor will use the reactor's temperature instead of the surrounding temperature.","Configurables":{"TemperatureRange":""},"Recipe":{"Iron":"1","TriggerWire":"1","Polysilicon":"2"}},"Microcontroller":{"Description":"Runs computer programs when triggered and powered. When triggered by an activator polysilicon, it will run code. When triggered by a deactivator polysilicon, it will stop running code. For more information on pilot.lua or the game's programming system, visit the programming tutorial or visit the wiki for the game online. Requires 5 power per second when running.  Microcontroller Globals: void **Beep**(number Pitch) - default pitch 1, max 10 beeps playing concurrently object **GetPort**(number PortID) - returns port configured with 'PortID' object **GetPartFromPort**(object/number Port, string ClassName) - gets a part connected to port 'Port' with classname 'ClassName' void **TriggerPort**(object/number Port) - sends a trigger signal from the port 'Port'  Globals also include all lua globals and all rbx.lua globals, except for roblox script-related or game-related globals such as workspace, game, stats, time, etc. ","Configurables":{"Code":""},"Malleability":"Has Malleability of 10*10","Resource":"Consumes Resource of Type: Trigger","Programmable":{"Communicate":"(Varient)"},"Recipe":{"Iron":"5","Copper":"5","Silicon":"5","Quartz":"5"}},"Valve":{"Resource":"Consumes Resource of Type: LiquidGas","Description":"Acts as a pipe when active/gray, but when black or inactive it acts as a normal object. ","Malleability":"Has Malleability of 12*12","Configurables":{"SwitchValue":""},"Recipe":{"Pipe":"1","Rubber":"1"}},"Modem":{"Description":"A computer networking object that allows you to send, save and get messages cross-region. This is an incredibly useful part to set up an internet of sorts and send data to other computers.  The modem has 4 programmable functions to it. SendMessage(Data, NetworkId defaults to 0) sends a message (specifically through messaging service) carrying data. MessageSent is a special event that can be connected to via ConnectToEvent. Has one argument called Data which is the data received.  PostRequest saves a string of data to the internet ':PostRequest(Domain, Data)' (modem must be locked) GetRequest gets a string of data from the internet ':GetRequest(Domain)' ","Configurables":{"NetworkID":""},"Malleability":"Malleability: Cannot be reshaped","Resource":"Consumes 10 Power per second","Programmable":{"GetRequest":"(Domain)","SendMessage":"(Data, ID)","PostRequest":"(Domain, PostData)"},"Recipe":{"Quartz":"50","Relay":"1","Wire":"25"}},"Torch":{"Recipe":{"Coal":"1","Wood":"2"},"Description":"A torch which can be used to provide light."},"VintagePlasmaPistol":{"Malleability":"Malleability: Cannot be reshaped","Description":"They don't make em like they used to.","Recipe":{"Gear":"3","Plastic":"100","EnergyBomb":"5","EnergyGun":"1","Jade":"10","Titanium":"20","Uranium":"15","Aluminum":"50"}},"GeigerCounter":{"Malleability":"Has Malleability of 12","Resource":"Consumes Resource of Type: Trigger","Recipe":{"Iron":"5","Wire":"5"}},"Disk":{"Malleability":"Has Malleability of 20*20","Description":"A programmable object capable of storing data. Has a limit of 10kb of data. Has 4 functions that allow you to edit the disk. Write(key, value) writes a value to the disk with a key. Read(key) returns a given value of a disk. ClearDisk() clears the entire disk.  ReadEntireDisk() returns the entire disk table.  **Be aware, while disks can store userdata values, it cannot save them properly.** ","Programmable":{"ClearDisk":"()","Write":"(Key, Data)","Read":"(Key)"},"Recipe":{"Silicon":"4","Copper":"3","Quartz":"10"}},"DarkConverter":{"Generates":"DarkConverter generates around 1000 Power","Malleability":"Malleability: Cannot be reshaped","Description":"Converts attached dark matter bins into energy. 1 unit of dark matter is equal to 1000 watts of power. However, this generates a ton of heat in the process, nearly up to 200 degrees when activated. This means you will need about 10 coolers to avoid combustion.     ","Recipe":{"Reactor":"5","AlienCore":"10","Gold":"100","Titanium":"50","Diamond":"25"}},"Pump":{"Malleability":"Malleability: Cannot be reshaped","Description":"Pumps liquid from the environment into attached containers. For example, a pump located in the ocean will pump water when powered.","HeatPowerProduct":"Produces 2 heat when powered","Resource":"Consumes 5 Power per second","Configurables":{"LiquidToPump":""},"Recipe":{"Iron":"2","Container":"1","Quartz":"1"}},"ElectricFence":{"Malleability":"Has Malleability of 20*100","Resource":"Consumes 5 Power per second","Description":" A special version of the fence which damages upon contact. Requires power to electrocute.  ","Recipe":{"Fence":"5","ZapWire":"2"}},"BurnerGenerator":{"Generates":"BurnerGenerator generates around 6 Power","Malleability":"Malleability: Cannot be reshaped","Recipe":{"Iron":"3","Wire":"2"}},"Coupler":{"Resource":"Consumes Resource of Type: Trigger","Description":"The coupler is a part that allows the coupling/connection of vehicles and objects when powered. Both couplers must be powered in order to couple together. When the coupler comes in contact with another coupler, the couplers will both connect to eachother, both holes facing eachother.  To ensure no weld complications, make sure the couplers' triangles are facing upwards. When the couplers connect, the white triangles will make a square. Couplers also only couple to other couples with the same CouplerID. ","Malleability":"Has Malleability of 4*1*4","Configurables":{"CouplerID":""},"Recipe":{"Iron":"10"}},"Tool":{"Malleability":"Malleability: Cannot be reshaped","Description":"A versatile automatic pulse based PDW capable of dishing incredible amounts of damage in a small amount of time. Equipped with 3 barrels for an unparalleled firerate.","Recipe":{"Neutronium":"70","Uranium":"50","DarkMatter":"20"}},"Thruster":{"Resource":"Consumes 30 Power per second","HeatPowerProduct":"Produces 70 heat when powered","Description":"A device that creates forward propulsion depending on its size when powered. The size of the thruster will determine the max thrust speed it can have, with a larger thruster being capable of higher speeds.  The speed setting of the thruster can also be configured from -100 (full backward) to 100 (full forward).  The maximum speed of a thruster is dependent on its volume. Thrusters will generate more heat the larger and more powerful the thruster is. A 10x10x10 thruster, for example, would need about 8 coolers to operate. The power required by a thruster is proportional to its actual speed output.  Thrusters can be heated to a temperature of around 200 degrees before overheating and combusting.","HeatLimit":"Temperature Limit from -30 up to 200","Malleability":"Has Malleability of 20*20*20","Configurables":{"Propulsion":""},"Recipe":{"Motor":"1","Pipe":"20","Wire":"25"}},"Relay":{"Resource":"Consumes Resource of Type: Trigger","Description":" A powerful transmitter capable of transmitting trigger signals and resources/power between different regions. It is a more powerful version of the antenna and transporter.  Unlike the antenna, the relay has 2 modes, mode 0 and mode 1. Mode 0 sends resources/power and trigger signals, while mode 1 receives it.  Unlike the antenna, it can also transfer power in inactive regions or regions without players in them. This means that you can connect a relay to your main base, warp away without anyone in the base, and still have the relay get the sufficient amount of power.  However, you should have only one sending relay per coordinate, as conflicts can occur if there are 2 or more relays in the region/coordinates sending power or signals with the same ID. On the other hand, there can be an infinite number of receivers but the power/resources will be distributed evenly among them.  For example, let's say a relay network has a total output of 500 power and 25 iron. If there are 5 active receivers, each of them will get 100 power and 5 iron.  When the relay is red, it means it not functioning. When it turns green, it is properly linked up to another relay or is sending signals.  ","Malleability":"Malleability: Cannot be reshaped","Configurables":{"Mode":"","LinkerID":""},"Recipe":{"Transporter":"5","Antenna":"5","Quartz":"100"}},"Seat":{"Recipe":{"Rubber":"1","Wood":"2"},"Malleability":"Malleability: Cannot be reshaped"},"Fence":{"Malleability":"Has Malleability of 20*100","Description":"A metal fence. Primarily used to set up walls and gaurd structures and bases.","Recipe":{"Pipe":"4"}},"MiningLaser":{"Malleability":"Has Malleability of 10*4*4","Description":" Fires a concentraded beam of energy when powered, which is used to mine objects such as asteroids, mountains and ore deposits. This works similar to an extractor, except it indirectly extracts power from other natural sources.   When the laser hits an object, it will extract resources from that object and put it in attached bins. Very useful for creating mining vehicles to extract resources.  Unlike the extractor however, this is far more efficient. The MiningLaser outputs 2 resources per second, unlike the extractor which only does 2. This means the laser is 1.5x more efficient.  However, the mining laser generates more heat than the extractor. Atleast 2 coolers are recommended per mining laser.  ","HeatPowerProduct":"Produces 50 heat when powered","Resource":"Consumes 25 Power per second","Configurables":{"MaterialToExtract":""},"Recipe":{"Laser":"2","Extractor":"5","Aluminum":"5"}},"Wire":{"Malleability":"Has Malleability of 20*10","Description":"Allows electrical objects to interact with each other when connected by wires. For example, attaching a wire between a powercell and a light will allow electricity to move through the wire, allowing the light to function causing a source of light to be created.","Recipe":{"Copper":"1"}},"NightVisionGoggles":{"Recipe":{"Iron":"1","Ruby":"1","Glass":"2","Wire":"1"},"Description":"A set of goggles which can be used to see in the dark."},"Hotdog":{"Malleability":"Malleability: Cannot be reshaped","Description":"sandwich.","Recipe":{"Food":"1"}},"Pistol":{"Malleability":"Malleability: Cannot be reshaped","Description":"A simple repeating firearm. ","Recipe":{"Explosive":"3","Iron":"70","Rubber":"20"}},"Faucet":{"Malleability":"Has Malleability of 1 * 8 * 1","Resource":"Runs indefinitely; Does not consume LiquidGas","Description":"Releases liquids and gases from containers.","Recipe":{"Pipe":"1","Rubber":"1"}},"Neon":{"Malleability":"Has Malleability of 7*7*7","Description":"A building decoration material that glows by itself without requiring power. ","Recipe":{"ZapWire":"1"}},"AutomaticLaser":{"Malleability":"Malleability: Cannot be reshaped","Description":" Fires a continous set of lasers when powered. Like most other energy/thermal weapons, it generates heat when powered. It generates up to 65 degrees of heat, meaning you will need atleast 2 or 3 coolers.  ","HeatPowerProduct":"Produces 65 heat when powered","Resource":"Consumes 25 Power per second","Recipe":{"Iron":"200","Explosive":"50","Silicon":"90","Jade":"25"}},"TrussTemplate":{"Malleability":"Malleability: Cannot be reshaped","Description":"Used as a ladder.","Recipe":{"Stone":"1"}},"EthernetCable":{"Malleability":"Has Malleability of 20*10","Description":"Allows for the transfer of data between ports. Mostly utilized in programming.","Recipe":{"Copper":"1"}},"Engine":{"Malleability":"Malleability: Cannot be reshaped","Description":"It acts similar to a motor, but is powered by Oil instead of electricity. ","HeatPowerProduct":"Produces 5 heat when powered","Resource":"Consumes 0.1 Gasoline per second","Configurables":{"EngineSpeed":""},"Recipe":{"Pipe":"2","Iron":"2"}},"Pipe":{"Malleability":"Has Malleability of 200","Resource":"Consumes Resource of Type: LiquidGas","Description":"Is able to transfer liquids and gases between containers and other objects when connected by pipes. ","Recipe":{"Iron":"1"}},"Wing":{"Malleability":"Has Malleability of 8*1*8","Description":"Creates lift from being pushed forward. Works at higher altitudes and at better angles than a CrudeWing. Does not work in space or in non atmospheric planets.","Recipe":{"Iron":"4","Pipe":"1"}},"Dispenser":{"Resource":"Runs indefinitely; Does not consume Solid","Description":"Dispenses items from attached bins, similar to a faucet. Can also filter certain items from dispensing. Simply configure it to be a list of names. For example, 'Copper Iron Wire'","Malleability":"Has Malleability of 2*8*2","Configurables":{"Filter":""},"Recipe":{"Rubber":"1","Chute":"1"}},"EnergySword":{"Malleability":"Malleability: Cannot be reshaped","Description":"A short ranged melee weapon which forms its own gravitational field when lunged. Forged with incarnated ̶m̶a̶g̶i̶c science!","Recipe":{"Diamond":"1","Ruby":"8","ZapWire":"3","Titanium":"5","Rubber":"2"}},"ReinforcedGlass":{"Malleability":"Has Malleability of 14*14","Description":"A stronger version of glass, however is less malleable.","Recipe":{"Glass":"5","Iron":"5"}},"Cannon":{"Malleability":"Has Malleability of 2*2*20","Resource":"Consumes Resource of Type: Trigger","Description":"  Fires a cannon ball when triggered or clicked.  Inserting materials gives it different cannon types.   For example, inserting iron will result in one powerful iron cannonball being shot.  Inserting copper will result in multiple copper cannonballs shot.   ","Recipe":{"Iron":"12","Sulfur":"4","Flint":"4"}},"Motor":{"Malleability":"Has Malleability of 6*6*4","Description":"Spins objects attached to the hinge at the front when powered. ","HeatPowerProduct":"Produces 5 heat when powered","Resource":"Consumes 1 Power per second","Configurables":{"MotorSpeed":""},"Recipe":{"Wire":"3","Engine":"1"}},"Laser":{"Resource":"Consumes 25 Power per second","Description":"Fires a concentraded beam of energy when powered, which can be used to damage and set objects on fire.   Has a Range of 1000 studs.  Primarily used as a weapon in space combat situations.  While it can damage objects effectively, it cannot damage energy shields.  ","Malleability":"Has Malleability of 10*2*2","Configurables":{"DamageOnlyPlayers":""},"Recipe":{"Iron":"25","Diamond":"50","Ruby":"50"}},"Pulverizer":{"Malleability":"Malleability: Cannot be reshaped","Resource":"Consumes 3 Power per second","Description":"Turns attached stone bins into sand. Once powered, the pulverizer will pulverize any stone bins attached into sand.","Recipe":{"Iron":"4","Gear":"3","Wire":"1"}},"Explosive":{"Malleability":"Has Malleability of 8","Resource":"Consumes Resource of Type: Trigger","Description":"Causes an explosion when triggered. You can use a delay wire to make it explode after a few seconds and not immediately.","Recipe":{"Cloth":"10","Sulfur":"40"}},"Teleporter":{"Resource":"Consumes Resource of Type: Trigger","Description":" A device used to transport players across regions. When powered and triggered, it will teleport all players above it to the given coordinates and teleporter id. It will warp the player to a teleporter in the region with the given teleporter id.  When warping to a teleporter inside of a planet, set the last value to true. For example, 50, -50, 85, -75, true  Make sure you set the correct coordinates OR YOU WILL BE STRANDED!  Costs 1000 energy per teleport. ","Malleability":"Malleability: Cannot be reshaped","Configurables":{"Coordinates":"","TeleporterID":""},"Recipe":{"Transporter":"1","Quartz":"50","HyperDrive":"1","Wire":"30"}},"Claymore":{"Malleability":"Malleability: Cannot be reshaped","Description":"A classic medieval sword used to cut down your enemies. ","Recipe":{"Iron":"3","Stick":"1","Rubber":"1"}},"EnergyGun":{"Resource":"Consumes Resource of Type: Trigger","HeatPowerProduct":"Produces 0 heat when powered","Description":"Fires a powerful shot of energy when provided power and triggered.","HeatLimit":"Temperature Limit from -140 up to 140","Malleability":"Has Malleability of 14*2*2","Recipe":{"Glass":"20","Ruby":"10","Aluminum":"5"}},"TimeSensor":{"Malleability":"Has Malleability of 8*8*1","Description":" When the current time matches the same time as the timesensor, it will trigger.  For example, if the world turns 7:15 it will activate.  This is useful for creating dynamic lights that turn on only during the night, saving energy.  The format should be hour:minute  ","Configurables":{"Time":""},"Recipe":{"Iron":"1","TriggerWire":"1","Polysilicon":"2"}},"DriveBox":{"Malleability":"Has Malleability of 6*6*4","HeatPowerProduct":"Produces 5 heat when powered","Description":"When connected to a motor or engine with a rod, it will spin the same speed the engine or motor is going. (You must click the drivebox first when creating a rod.) ","Configurables":{"Ratio":"","Reversal":""},"Recipe":{"Iron":"5","Quartz":"5"}},"Polysilicon":{"Malleability":"Has Malleability of 10","Description":"A special electronic material used to send special signals to certain objects. If mode is set to 0, it activates. If set to mode 1, it deactivates. If set to mode 2, it flip flops.   Has a special configuration called Frequency which dictates how many times the polysilicon will repeat a trigger. For example, if a polysilicon was attached to a pulley, having a frequency of 5 and triggered, the pulley will be activated 5 times.","Configurables":{"PolysiliconMode":"","Frequency":""},"Recipe":{"TriggerWire":"1","Quartz":"1"}},"BallastTank":{"Malleability":"Malleability: Cannot be reshaped","Description":"Allows for variable ballast to be added to sea vehicles. Also prevents corrosion to attached parts underwater. ","Configurables":{"Buoyancy":""},"Recipe":{"Iron":"1","Rubber":"1","Aluminum":"1"}},"ScubaMask":{"Recipe":{"Glass":"3","Rubber":"2"},"Description":"A set of goggles which can be used to help vision while underwater."},"Camera":{"Resource":"Consumes Resource of Type: Trigger","Description":"It's a camera. When a camera has the same ID as a screen, that screen will display the camera view. Clicking on a screen that is displaying the view of a camera will allow you to directly view what the camera is seeing. No power is necessary.","Malleability":"Malleability: Cannot be reshaped","Configurables":{"VideoID":""},"Recipe":{"Iron":"2","Silicon":"2","Wire":"2","Quartz":"1"}},"Antenna":{"Malleability":"Has Malleability of 5*5","Description":"A wireless transmitter that can transmit electricity from wires and trigger signals from trigger wires and buttons. ","Configurables":{"AntennaID":""},"Recipe":{"Wire":"5","Silicon":"10","Quartz":"15"}},"CornerTetraTemplate":{"Malleability":"Malleability: Cannot be reshaped","Description":"A template which is a tetrahedron subtracted from a cube.","Recipe":{"Stone":"1"}},"BeamRifle":{"Malleability":"Malleability: Cannot be reshaped","Description":"A deadly long-range energy sniper. Able to pick off targets at a long range with exceptional accuracy. ","Recipe":{"Ruby":"2","EnergyBomb":"5","Titanium":"30","Diamond":"10","Aluminum":"50"}},"BlastingCap":{"Malleability":"Malleability: Cannot be reshaped","Description":"A component used in crafting recipes for more advanced explosive devices.","Recipe":{"TriggerWire":"25","Silicon":"25","Iron":"25","Gear":"2"}},"CloningBay":{"Malleability":"Malleability: Cannot be reshaped","Resource":"Consumes 1 Power per second","Description":"Similar to a SpawnPoint, but allows players to respawn at the location from far away even at another region. It is pretty much a cross region spawnpoint. However, you can only have one cloning bay at a time. When powered, it will appear in your death menu when you die and you can click it to spawn at this location. However, you should pair the CloningBay with a spawn point next to it to ensure you spawn at the cloning bay.","Recipe":{"Iron":"25","SpawnPoint":"1","PowerCell":"2"}},"Constructor":{"Resource":"Consumes Resource of Type: Trigger","Description":" Similar to an assembler, but constructs a model when triggered. However, the constructor must be supplied with the correct materials for a model. For example, a car model requiring 50 iron and 30 wires will need a bin attached with 50 iron, a bin attached with 30 wires and 100 power.    You can find out how many materials you need through the model loader gui. Has a 60 second cool down or a minute cooldown to prevent model spamming.","Malleability":"Malleability: Cannot be reshaped","Configurables":{"Autolock":"","ModelCode":""},"Recipe":{"Assembler":"5","Copper":"10"}},"Assembler":{"Resource":"Consumes 12 Power per second","Description":"Assembles items as configured when the structure is supplied with the required power and resources.","Malleability":"Malleability: Cannot be reshaped","Configurables":{"Assemble":""},"Recipe":{"Iron":"2","Gear":"3","Wire":"2"}},"HullTemplate":{"Malleability":"Malleability: Cannot be reshaped","Description":"Is able to float in the water, as well as carry objects attached to it. Primarily used for creating boats and other water craft. ","Recipe":{"Stone":"1"}},"TriggerSwitch":{"Resource":"Consumes Resource of Type: Trigger","Description":"Acts as a triggerwire when active/green, but when black or inactive it acts as a normal object. ","Malleability":"Has Malleability of 12*12","Configurables":{"SwitchValue":""},"Recipe":{"Copper":"1","Silicon":"1"}},"Handle":{"Malleability":"Has Malleability of 2*2*2","Description":" A handle which can be equipped when a player touches it, turning all connected parts into an equipable tool. Swing 0: Doesn't swing on click Swing 1: Swings downward on click Swing 2: Follows the mouse cursor  TriggerMode 0: Trigger on mouse down TriggerMode 1: Trigger on mouse up TriggerMode 2: Trigger on mouse down and mouse up If TriggerMode is set to anything else, it will trigger when the key TriggerMode is set to is pressed.  ","Configurables":{"TriggerMode":"","ToolName":"","Swing":""},"Recipe":{"Rubber":"2","Wood":"2"}},"StudAligner":{"Malleability":"Malleability: Cannot be reshaped","Resource":"Consumes 2 Power per second","Description":" An integral part for creating vehicles, it aligns them to be viable for saving. This is important due to a bug in roblox called 'part shift' in which precision of numbers is lost during saving. As a result, parts will move a tiny bit, which results in dramatic changes to a vehicle. This part solves that, by alligned the vehicle to a whole number position, allowing it to be saved properly.  Make sure the arrow is facing up. To stud align your vehicle, make sure it is unanchored and simply trigger the stud alligner. Once it aligns the vehicle, it will anchor all anchors attached.  Make sure to also allign at a viable and proper place to prevent any noclip glitches during alignment.  ","Recipe":{"Iron":"5"}},"Flamethrower":{"Malleability":"Has Malleability of 3*25*3","Resource":"Consumes Resource of Type: Trigger","Description":"Shoots a stream of flaming gasoline to ignite your foes.","Recipe":{"Iron":"24","Sulfur":"8","Flint":"8","Rubber":"5"}},"SolarScoop":{"Malleability":"Malleability: Cannot be reshaped","Description":" Extracts materials from a star when powered and pointed at a star. Depending on the class of the star, it will extract more materials.  Generates around 240 degrees of heat, meaning you will need atleast 12 coolers to cool it down.  Red stars generate 25 helium, 5 plasma and 10 hydrogen per second. Orange stars generate 30 helium, 5 plasma and and 15 hydrogen per second. Yellow stars generate 35 helium, 5 plasma and and 20 hydrogen per second. Light blue stars generate 40 helium, 25 hydrogen, 10 plasma and and 10 iron per second. Neutron stars generate 60 helium, 45 hydrogen, 15 plasma and and 20 iron per second. It also generates 1-2 neutronium every 2 minutes.  It is recommended to use a Filter to seperate the materials extracted by a solar scoop.  ","HeatPowerProduct":"Produces 100 heat when powered","Resource":"Consumes 50 Power per second","Recipe":{"Bin":"100","AlienCore":"15","MiningLaser":"25","Ruby":"500","Reactor":"5"}},"Radar":{"Malleability":"Has Malleability of 25*20*25","Description":"An instrument that shows a 2D top-down representation of Earth. ","Recipe":{"Antenna":"2","Iron":"2"}},"Gun":{"Malleability":"Has Malleability of 10*10*15","Resource":"Consumes Resource of Type: Trigger","Description":" Fires a harmful bullet when triggered. Must be supplied with ammo in order to function. For example, you need an iron bin with 1 or more iron directly attached to it to work. ","Recipe":{"Iron":"6","Sulfur":"12"}},"LifeSensor":{"Description":"Senses and detects organic life up to a distnace of 2000 studs. Used mainly in programming, as is used in alien technology to hunt down organisms such as players. Has a special programmable event called 'GetReading()' which returns a table of all organisms, with their positions and names. Example: {  Player1 = Vector3.new(5, 5, 5); } ","Malleability":"Malleability: Cannot be reshaped","Resource":"Consumes Resource of Type: Trigger","Programmable":{"GetReading":"()"},"Recipe":{"Quartz":"25","Grass":"15","Wire":"5"}},"SteamTurbine":{"Generates":"SteamTurbine generates around 200 Power","Malleability":"Malleability: Cannot be reshaped","Recipe":{"Wire":"10","Gear":"5","Engine":"3","Iron":"20","Pipe":"25"},"HeatPowerProduct":"Produces 120 heat when powered"},"BurstLaser":{"Malleability":"Malleability: Cannot be reshaped","Resource":"Consumes Resource of Type: Trigger","Description":" Fires 5 rapid sets of concentrated laser beams. Each beam does a mediate amount of damage. Costs 100 power for each beam fired, meaning the total power cost is 500 power.  ","Recipe":{"Iron":"100","Explosive":"50","Silicon":"90","Jade":"25"}},"Kiln":{"Malleability":"Malleability: Cannot be reshaped","Resource":"Consumes 5 Power per second","Description":"Turns attached sand bins into glass. ","Recipe":{"Iron":"10","Heater":"2","Wire":"5"}},"TriggerWire":{"Malleability":"Has Malleability of 10*10","Description":"Allows trigger objects to interact with each other when connected by triggerwires. ","Recipe":{"Flint":"1","Wire":"1"}},"Instrument":{"Description":" A device used to measure special values such as current speed and temperature.  These are the types as follows: 0 - Speed / velocity of the instrument 1 - Rotational speed of the instrument 2 - Temperature of the local environment 3 - Current time (relative to the region and scaled to earth time) 4 - Total amount of power in a wire system, for example attaching it to a powercell with 200 power will display 200 power. 5 - The dimensions of the part it is attached to. 6 - The position of the current instrument.  ","Configurables":{"Type":""},"Malleability":"Has Malleability of 8*8*1","Programmable":{"GetReading":"(OptionalType)"},"Recipe":{"Iron":"1"}},"CylinderTemplate":{"Malleability":"Malleability: Cannot be reshaped","Description":"A cylinder shaped template object. ","Recipe":{"Stone":"1"}},"Port":{"Resource":"Consumes Resource of Type: Trigger","Description":"An object used primarily in programming. Allows a microcontroller and computers to interact with their surroundings. ","Malleability":"Has Malleability of 3*3*3","Configurables":{"PortID":""},"Recipe":{"Copper":"2","Silicon":"2"}},"TetrahedronTemplate":{"Malleability":"Malleability: Cannot be reshaped","Description":"A tetrahedron template made of 3 perpendicular right triangles.","Recipe":{"Stone":"1"}},"Tile":{"Malleability":"Has Malleability of 10*10*10","Description":"A cheap material made from baked clay useful for building houses.","Recipe":{"Rubber":"1","Stone":"2"}},"CombustionTurbine":{"Generates":"CombustionTurbine generates around 80 Power","Malleability":"Malleability: Cannot be reshaped","Recipe":{"Wire":"10","Gear":"5","Engine":"3","Iron":"20","Pipe":"25"},"HeatPowerProduct":"Produces 200 heat when powered"},"WaterCooler":{"Malleability":"Malleability: Cannot be reshaped","Description":"Generates cold temperatures when given a supply of water. Useful for cooling down devices, and does not require power. Performs the same amount of cooling that five coolers would.","HeatPowerProduct":"Produces -100 heat when powered","Resource":"Consumes 8 Power per second","Recipe":{"Container":"1","Copper":"4","Pipe":"10","Water":"50"}},"Obamium":{"Malleability":"Malleability: Cannot be reshaped","Description":"An ancient artifact left behind from an alternate reality.","Recipe":{"Grass":"1"}},"Switch":{"Resource":"Consumes Resource of Type: Power","Description":"Acts as a wire when active/green, but when black or inactive it acts as a normal object. Must use a polysilicon to switch for trigger events. ","Malleability":"Has Malleability of 12*12","Configurables":{"SwitchValue":""},"Recipe":{"Rubber":"2","Wire":"1"}},"FluidProjector":{"Resource":"Consumes 5 Power per second","Description":"A device which projects a field of gas or liquid in front of it which you can swim in. Host the universe's greatest pool party! The fluid area can be configureed in size and type.  The FluidProjector requires power in order to work, and must be supplied with the correct fluid to work. For example, the fluid is water, it will need a supplied container of water attached to work.","Malleability":"Malleability: Cannot be reshaped","Configurables":{"Size":"","Fluid":""},"Recipe":{"Iron":"100","Pipe":"500","Wire":"50"}},"Rail":{"Description":"Slides and moves objects along its surface when powered and triggered. Useful for creating retractable pistons and actuators, for turrets or other retractable devices.    Rails will only move objects connected on the relative top surface of the rail.    The rail can only be activated through the use of polysilicons. Mode 0 or activating polysilicons will set the rail to position1. Mode 1 or deactivating polysilicons will set the rail to position2. Mode 2 or flip flop polysilicons will act like a switch, setting to position2 if position1 and vice versa.    Has 2 configurations, position1 and position2.    Both configurations should be between 0 and 100. These are percents of where the attached objects should slide to. For example, if a rail was 50 studs long and position2 was 50 or 50%, the attached objects will slide to the middle or at 25 studs.    Due to roblox physics, rails may act weirdly. To prevent this from happening, you should always place your rails first before anything else. It is recommended to attach objects on the rail after the rail is safely placed down. ","Configurables":{"Position2":"","TweenTime":"","Position1":""},"Malleability":"Has Malleability of 200","Resource":"Consumes Resource of Type: Trigger","Programmable":{"SetPosition":"(PosNumber)"},"Recipe":{"Wire":"3","Rubber":"4","Gear":"5"}},"Cooler":{"Malleability":"Has Malleability of 16","Description":" Cools down the heat around a space when supplied with power.  Glows blue while functioning. Can be used to provide a cool environment in hot areas.  Is also useful for cooling down objects such as iondrives and engines.  ","HeatPowerProduct":"Produces -20 heat when powered","Resource":"Consumes 1 Power per second","Recipe":{"Wire":"2"}},"Melter":{"Malleability":"Malleability: Cannot be reshaped","Resource":"Consumes 5 Power per second","Description":"Turns attached ice bins into water when powered. ","Recipe":{"Iron":"10","Heater":"2","Wire":"5"}},"Framewire":{"Malleability":"Has Malleability of 200*1*20","Description":"Enter the matrix","Recipe":{"ExoticMatter":"5"}},"BladeTemplate":{"Malleability":"Malleability: Cannot be reshaped","Description":"A sharp object that can pierce through objects if the material is durable and strong. ","Recipe":{"Stone":"1"}},"CornerTemplate":{"Malleability":"Malleability: Cannot be reshaped","Description":"A corner wedge shaped template object. ","Recipe":{"Stone":"1"}},"Bin":{"Malleability":"Has Malleability of 4*4*4","Description":" Stores solid items such as Aluminum, Iron, Faucets, etc.  Can store up to 1000 items. When destroyed, every item inside will also be destroyed.  The value increases as more items are added to it.  Bins can also be used as crafting recipes, with the resources inside being used. You can configure this to disable crafting from the bin, by configuring the bin.  ","Configurables":{"CanBeCraftedFrom":""},"Recipe":{"Iron":"3"}},"EnergyBomb":{"Malleability":"Malleability: Cannot be reshaped","Resource":"Consumes Resource of Type: Trigger","Description":"Causes a powerful explosion when triggered. Often used in space combat as a means of a powerful missile or torpedo.","Recipe":{"Explosive":"5","BlastingCap":"2","Quartz":"100"}},"Screen":{"Description":"A programmable object capable of showing text, buttons and images on an LED display. Very useful for creating custom programmable interfaces. ","Configurables":{"VideoID":""},"Malleability":"Has Malleability of 20*20","Resource":"Consumes 5 Power per second","Programmable":{"GetDimensions":"()","CreateElement":"(ElementName, Properties)","ClearElements":"(Properties)"},"Recipe":{"Silicon":"3","Iron":"3","Copper":"3","Light":"5","Quartz":"3"}},"Primer":{"Malleability":"Malleability: Cannot be reshaped","Description":"A component used in crafting recipes for a few objects.","Recipe":{"TriggerWire":"50","Silicon":"100","Titanium":"25","Wire":"10"}},"StasisField":{"Malleability":"Malleability: Cannot be reshaped","Resource":"Consumes 50 Power per second","Description":"Creates a 500 stud radius field that prevents any parts or objects around it from being dragged. This can be used alongside with a RegionCloaker to create public infrastructure to avoid trolling and such. However, in order to function, the shield must be anchored/grounded, and nothing must be blocking above it. The shield is also extremely fragile.","Recipe":{"PowerCell":"100","Iron":"250","Ruby":"500"}},"Obelisk":{"Malleability":"Malleability: Cannot be reshaped","Resource":"Consumes 15 Power per second","Description":"An object designed to attract aliens to the region. Emits an ominous noise when powered. Must be anchored and powered in order to function. Must also be open to the sky. Only one obelisk in a region can be powered at a time. **Use at your own risk.**","Recipe":{"Iron":"500","AlienCore":"10","Diamond":"250","Wire":"50"}},"Refinery":{"Malleability":"Malleability: Cannot be reshaped","Resource":"Consumes 25 Power per second","Description":"Turns oil into Petroleum and Gasoline. ","Recipe":{"Iron":"20","Pipe":"40","Gear":"10"}},"CornerRoundTemplate2":{"Malleability":"Malleability: Cannot be reshaped","Description":"A corner shaped template object rounded inwards. ","Recipe":{"Stone":"1"}},"RoundTemplate":{"Malleability":"Malleability: Cannot be reshaped","Description":"A block rounded on one edge, or 1/4 of a cylinder. ","Recipe":{"Stone":"1"}},"PlutoniumCore":{"Malleability":"Malleability: Cannot be reshaped","Description":"A volatile core close to going supercritical used in recipes for Nuclear explosives.","Recipe":{"Plutonium":"50","Beryllium":"350"}},"TouchScreen":{"Description":"A Screen, but with capabilities of handling player mouse input. This is to be used with programming.","Configurables":{"VideoID":""},"Malleability":"Has Malleability of 20*20","Resource":"Consumes 5 Power per second","Programmable":{"GetCursor":"()","GetCursors":"()"},"Recipe":{"Silicon":"3","Screen":"1","TouchTrigger":"1","Iron":"2","Copper":"4"}},"Gear":{"Malleability":"Malleability: Cannot be reshaped","Description":"A mechanical component commonly used in crafting recipes for many objects.","Recipe":{"Iron":"1"}},"Hatch":{"Resource":"Consumes Resource of Type: Solid","Description":"Acts as a chute when active/gray, but when black or inactive it acts as a normal object. ","Malleability":"Has Malleability of 12*12","Configurables":{"SwitchValue":""},"Recipe":{"Rubber":"1","Chute":"1"}},"Railgun":{"Malleability":"Has Malleability of 8 * 40 * 8","Description":" Fires a piercing rail at high speeds. A long range weapon. Requires rails and electricity for ammo. Damage increases for every 10 studs of length. Will pierce if the hit part is destroyed. Must be at least have a width and height of 6 and at least a length of 30 to function.   While Railgun is similar to Artillery, the Railgun is nearly instant while Artillery is a projectile weapon.  Requires to charge for one minute before it can fire. While charging and when charged, it creates large amount of heat. Charging status resets when this part is damaged.  When it is finished charging, it will stop creating a sound. At that point, it must be triggered and supplied by a rail bin in order to fire.  ","HeatPowerProduct":"Produces 170 heat when powered","Resource":"Consumes 150 Power per second","Recipe":{"AlienCore":"5","Transformer":"60","Rail":"1","Titanium":"300","Gun":"50","Diamond":"30"}},"BlackBox":{"Recipe":{"Diamond":"5","Instrument":"75","Antenna":"250"},"Description":"   Records all activity in the region using very delicate instruments.   Activates when locked and anchors to ensure accurate readings.   ONLINE = Listening for event/Sharing event data, DATA = New data the owner hasn't seen.        "},"DelayWire":{"Malleability":"Has Malleability of 10*10","Description":"Similar to a regular trigger wire, but depending on the configuration will wait x seconds before the trigger signal passes through. ","Configurables":{"DelayTime":""},"Recipe":{"TriggerWire":"1","Rubber":"1"}},"Pulley":{"Resource":"Consumes Resource of Type: Trigger","Description":"A special device used to control the length of constraints attached to it. When attaching a constraint to the Pulley, click the Pulley first.  When the pulley is triggered with polysilicon, it will increase or decrease. Default increase value is 1.  ","Malleability":"Has Malleability of 10","Configurables":{"PulleyIncreaseLength":"","MaxPulleyLength":"","MinPulleyLength":""},"Recipe":{"Cloth":"2","Wood":"5"}},"FingerprintSensor":{"Resource":"Consumes Resource of Type: Trigger","Description":" A special type of button which only activates if the player who clicks is the player who locked it or is in the list of players that can be configured. Format for the list should be 'Player1, Player2, Player3' etc.","Malleability":"Has Malleability of 15*5","Configurables":{"AllowedPlayers":""},"Recipe":{"Silicon":"2","Copper":"2","Button":"2"}},"FloatDevice":{"Resource":"Consumes 10 Power per second","Description":"Defies gravity when powered. Allows for vehicles such as space ships to float.","Recipe":{"Iron":"50","Wire":"50","Quartz":"50"}},"Lantern":{"Recipe":{"Iron":"2","Light":"1"},"Description":"A handheld lantern which can be used to provide light."},"Spotlight":{"Malleability":"Has Malleability of 8*8*4","Resource":"Consumes 1 Power per second","Description":"Emits light in a cone when powered with electricity. ","Recipe":{"Iron":"1","Glass":"1","Wire":"2"}},"Food":{"Malleability":"Has Malleability of 10*10","Description":"A consumable item. *Appears* to be meat. Upon clicking it, it will heal the user's health depending on the size.","Recipe":{"Grass":"4"}},"DarkReactor":{"Generates":"DarkReactor generates around 1 DarkMatter","Malleability":"Malleability: Cannot be reshaped","Description":"Generates Dark Matter when powered and near a black hole. The reactor is very unstable, and if the reactor overheats it will cause a huge explosion.  The DarkReactor generates up to 500 degrees of temperature, meaing you will need atleast 25 coolers to cool the reactor to make sure it does not overheat. ","Recipe":{"Reactor":"5","AlienCore":"10","Gold":"100","Titanium":"50","Diamond":"25"}},"ConveyorBelt":{"Resource":"Consumes 2 Power per second","Description":"Moves objects ontop of it towards the front of the conveyor belt. Only moves when powered and anchored or attached to the ground. ","Malleability":"Has Malleability of 8*40","Configurables":{"ConveyorBeltSpeed":""},"Recipe":{"Wire":"3","Rubber":"4","Gear":"5"}},"Light":{"Resource":"Consumes 1 Power per second","Description":"Emits light when powered with electricity. Can be colored in different ways, changing the light color","Malleability":"Has Malleability of 4*4*4","Configurables":{"Brightness":"","LightRange":""},"Recipe":{"Glass":"2","Wire":"2"}},"Beacon":{"Resource":"Consumes 15 Power per second","Description":"Creates a small beacon of light when powered.   When 'ShowOnMap' is enabled, it broadcasts a signal into the universe.  'BeaconName' changes the name of the beacon shown on the starmap.   30 second cooldown for changing the configurables.","Malleability":"Malleability: Cannot be reshaped","Configurables":{"BeaconName":"","ShowOnMap":""},"Recipe":{"PowerCell":"10","Jade":"1","Ruby":"50"}},"Rocket":{"Resource":"Consumes 10 Gasoline per second","HeatPowerProduct":"Produces 60 heat when powered","Description":"A propulsion device that consumes gasoline.","HeatLimit":"Temperature Limit from -60 up to 200","Malleability":"Malleability: Cannot be reshaped","Configurables":{"Propulsion":""},"Recipe":{"Pipe":"30","Engine":"20"}},"Scrapper":{"Malleability":"Malleability: Cannot be reshaped","Resource":"Consumes 12 Power per second","Description":"Scraps solid items provided through a dispenser into their crafting components when powered. It also destroys unanchored single parts when touched.","Recipe":{"Iron":"3","Wire":"2"}}}]])
    local function getRawMaterials(item)
        local Materials = {}
        local function get(item, itemAmount)
            for itemName, amount in pairs(item.Recipe) do
            	if not Parts[itemName] or not Parts[itemName]['Recipe'] then
                	if not Materials[itemName] then Materials[itemName] = 0 end
                    Materials[itemName] = Materials[itemName] + (amount*itemAmount)
                    get(Parts[itemName], amount*itemAmount)
        if item and item.Recipe then
            get(item, 1)
            return false
        return Materials
    local function formatRecipe(recipe)
        if recipe then
            local recipeString = ''
            for itemName, amount in pairs(recipe) do
                recipeString = recipeString .. '[[' .. itemName .. '|' .. itemName .. ' x' .. amount .. ']]' .. '\n\n'
            return recipeString
            return 'No crafting recipe'
    function module.getField(page)
        local args = page.args
        local itemName = args[2] or page:getParent():getTitle()
        local field = args[1]
        if field == 'Description' then
            local part = Parts[itemName]
            if not part then return 'No description found' end
            local description = part.Description
            if description then
                return "''\"" .. description .. "\"''"
                return 'No description found'
        elseif field == 'Malleability' then
            local part = Parts[itemName]
            if not part then return nil end
            local malleability = string.gsub(part.Malleability, 'Has Malleability of ', ' ')
            if string.find(malleability, 'Cannot be reshaped') then
                return 'Fixed size'
            elseif string.find(malleability, '%d%*%d%*') then
                local m = {string.sub(malleability, 2, 2), string.sub(malleability, 4, 4), string.sub(malleability, 6, 6)}
                local returnedMalleability
                --if true then
                --    return '<nowiki>' ..table.concat(m, ', ') .. '</nowiki>'
                for i = 1, 3 do
                    returnedMalleability = (returnedMalleability or 1) * tonumber(m[i])
                return tostring(returnedMalleability)
                return malleability
                return nil -- not done currently
        elseif field == 'Raw recipe' then
        	--if true then return 'Calculation error' end
            local item = Parts[itemName]
            if not item then return nil end
            local rawRecipe = getRawMaterials(item)
            local recipeFormatted = getRawMaterials(rawRecipe)
            if ((rawRecipe) == item.Recipe) or (recipeFormatted == formatRecipe(item.Recipe)) then return nil end
            return formatRecipe(rawRecipe)
        elseif field == 'Recipe' then
            local item = Parts[itemName]
            if not item then return 'No recipe found' end
            local recipe = item.Recipe
            return formatRecipe(recipe)
        elseif Parts[itemName] and Parts[itemName][field] then
            return tostring(Parts[itemName][field])
            error('unknown field given: ' .. tostring(args[1]))
    return module
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